Thursday, February 28, 2008


So I abandoned my initial idea for my remix project, and instead came up with a much more exciting project. For the project, I'm finding remixable photos on flickr, and using them, together with text that I'm writing myself, to create a character sketch of one of the characters in a story I'm currently working on for my fiction writing class. I've had a bit of trouble bonding with this character, so it's exciting for me to be able to get inside her head a little bit more.
Basically what I'm doing is creating a bulletin board of photos put together by my main character, Jo. Then, when you click on some of the photos, it goes to a separate page of her writing -- right now it's mostly notes written to her girlfriend about the pictures.
If I had the time -- because it'll take massive amounts of HTML to do properly -- I'd make an image map of more images, and put them in a proper time sequence so that the bulletin board starts out with a few photos and is gradually added to as you go through the sequence of photos/letters. And although I might not have the time to do it for this particular project, I'm interested enough in the idea that I'll probably continue the project even after I'm done with this particular remixing project.
How exciting!
It's actually got me thinking about how fun it would be to write this story with the ultimate goal of publishing it online instead of in print. Either that or do this as sort of an interactive companion to the story.
Also, after I finish Jo's collage, I think it'd be fun to do a corresponding sort of thing for the character of Andie, Jo's girlfriend.
Ooooh, this is so much fun.

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