Monday, March 17, 2008

Remix Project Response

I wanted to respond to Jason Frostick's remix project, but I can't open the animation on my computer. I'll try to respond to it from what I remember, though.
Of course, there's the initial entertainment value of reading words that have been translated through several different languages before. I've done this myself with some stories I've written, and it always ends up being hilarious.
I also see the point he was trying to make, though, which he pointed out in his blog post about his remix project. He said he wanted to show "how different languages can be from each other, even if they have the same roots." His remix project demonstrated that very well. Even though the languages that the English text was translated through have similar origins, when they were translated through too many different languages, they lost a lot of the original meaning. It shows just how complex languages are. Translate one word wrong, and you end up changing the entire meaning of the sentence. It's like in Japanese, how the word "kami" means hair AND god AND paper. Depending on the context, one word can have several different meanings, and that's true in almost any language.
I liked how his project showed off the complexity of language, while at the same time providing us with a hilarious, entertaining animation. It's a good way to get a point across.

1 comment:

Jason Frostick said...

Hey, glad you were interested in my project. I'm still struggling to get it into a viewable format, but the thing that works best for me now is to right click on it and select 'Open With' then choose Internet Explorer or Firefox from the list. Hope that helps!